Friday, April 30, 2010

Best of the Decade voting heats up

With less than 24 hours until voting ends for the Best of the Decade contest, the action has heated up considerably.

Perhaps it was due to the voting results no longer being visible for the final three days of the contest but more than 30,000 votes were cast Thursday, the single biggest day of voting in the nearly three weeks since the contest began.

Although I'm not at liberty to discuss specifics, I will say there are major new developments in the race for Player and Coach of the Year. The next 23 1/2 hours are going to be very interesting!


  1. Please post an opinion survey on the controversial run posted by the Hunt player who ransacked the Fike catcher in order to get him to drop the ball. This was an infraction of the rule regarding a defender who has the ball in his possession. Yet,instead of being ejected, the player was credited with a run and the catcher credited with an error. This could generate a discussion on the definition of unsportsmanlike conduct -- whether or called by the official or punished by a coach.

  2. Yes, please do. What most people at the game, as well as readers of your paper, don't know is that the plate umpire's boss was that game and spoke to the plate umpire about his erroneous call. Without a doubt, he said, the rule was broken and the runner should have been out, as well as ejected from the game. Of course, this can be verified. Let people know that this call was a mistake. High school athletes should play with more class than that, not to mention that the catcher could have been seriously injured. He must be seriously sore today.

  3. This is more than blog content. This should be an article with the rule clearly stated. What adds to the toleration of poor conduct on the field is the fact that Hunt didn't need that run to win. It was just bully baseball. Kinda ties in with the philosophy about it not being if you win the game, it's how you play the game. Hunt is a strong team, no denying that, but their behavior on the field needs refinement. Yes, and we noticed how the Hunt first baseman elbowed and "punched" the Fike players. I guess this is how the rivalry becomes so tense and emotional.

  4. This must be a bunch of Fike people because all you have to say is bad stuff about hunt. Let it go you lost it don't matter. He didn't try to run over the catcher he ran into him and the catcher couldn't handle it and feel on the ground. The first basemen didn't "punch" the runner he tagged him get over it you lost.

  5. Why are Fike haters cause were better or what?

  6. Winning or losing is not the issue as the run didn't matter either way. Hunt clearly won. The collision was totally unnecessary.

  7. i like brandy and wagon wheel

  8. Why can't we just all be friends?

  9. that is why hunt is in the state championship and not fike
