Saturday, August 8, 2009

A hectic week brings no change to sports department

It's been a hectic and sad week here at the Times with 15 co-workers being laid off for economic reasons. However, I should point out that none of those layoffs came in the sports department so we will be able to continue to bring the best sports coverage we can possibly bring to our readers.

I have been asked to serve as interim co-editor with Lisa Batts and if I can handle the double-duty the way Tom Ham handles his multiple fantasy league baseball teams, we'll be in good shape.

The 2009 high school football preview will be out Thursday, Aug. 20, a day before area teams kick off the regular season. With NCHSAA realignment now a reality, there will be lots to discuss in the preview. We are planning on providing the same coverage of high school football (as well as other sports) that we have in the past — redesign or a.m. delivery notwithstanding. That means Between High School Football Fridays and our weekly game previews and Football Forecast (The Hammer knows I'm coming for him this year!)

Can you believe the season will start in just two weeks?

1 comment:

  1. good luck as you and Lisa take on the task as co-editors...they have put a lot on both of your plates but you can do it remember you were both (warriors).
